In order to truly understand the root of our sufferings, we must recognize the nature of our own mind and how our response the outer world impact our life journey. We are the product of our own doings. We create our future circumstances with each choice we make, along the life path.
For most of us, the phrase “sitting in meditation” refers to the practice of physically sitting still and and re-focusing our attention to the present moment. Living with the true Zen meaning of sitting in meditation, we effortlessly exist at inner peace while at rest and while in motion. Within the true state of sitting in mediation, we live within the life stream at full awareness and adaptively respond to the life circumstances with our Inner Light and an universal compassion.
Unlike the physical lotus bloom, at our own full-bloom of Enlightenment, we are longer confined within the cyclic existence of birth and death.-ZenMoon
As manas metamorphose from the self-limiting ego-mind consciousness to the original universal limitless No-Mind consciousness, one is liberated by accurate insight.
Living in Zen is living with the objective clarity of the Original No-Mind. We live with the Inner Light, at full illumination, and harmoniously respond to the outer circumstances with an all embracing universal altruism.
Our lifetime is precious and finite, we must embrace the murmur inside ourselves and embarks on the discovery for knowledge to return to our Timeless Inner Peace.
All materialization in the natural world are the manifestation and derivation of the inherent duality of the physical universe. Duality is the subjective state of mind, while the mind conscious assess the input from the world from an egocentric viewpoint.
Living with the Original No-Mind, our thought flow seamlessly without blockage and interruption. Within the thought flow, the mind does not become emotionally affixed to any one arising thought to hinder the objectivity of awareness. We exist at the enduring Zen state of meditation…the state of Timeless Inner Peace.
Our perceptions are perpetually influenced by our past. As we navigate through life using our senses and subjectively interpret the sensory information, our impressions are never truly accurate.
One exists in the mind-universe moulded from infinite past experiences. Life is beheld and contemplated through the mind’s egocentric discriminating filter.-ZenMoon
One can contemplate and reflect on the similarities and differences between human and plant life. Having the human form is essential in order to make progress toward transcendence of the Karmic cycle.--ZenMoon
This is a very inspirational talk on sustainable design. Treated bamboo has great potential as a sustainable green timber source for imaginative architecture design.
How the Pfizer/BioNtech, Moderna, and other coronavirus vaccines work, their potential side effects, who's first in line to receive one, and why we need to address racial and social equities.
Step out from the whirlwind of life to go forward with clarity and purpose.-ZenMoon. Here is "an essay in motion about the simple truth that slowing down IS speeding up"
We exists within a dualistic physical world. We are the product of the Karma created by our dualistic mind. Zen is the freedom from the mind's duality and transcendence from life's duality.
Ultimately, we are our own saviour and liberator. With self-determination, Dzung, everyone is capable of reaching the spiritual destination: Nirvana.--ZenMoon
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