
Thursday, June 28, 20183:06 PM(View: 9290)


Art is indeed subjective. The artist  of "DailyDoodleGram" on Instagram chooses her material and create the artwork based on the "something that echos in the mind" and "character and quality" perceived in the found raw materials. The artist transforms a chosen photograph into her  own doodle creation through her subjective interpretation of the raw material. The innately neutral material is transformed into a specific piece based on the artist’s discriminating mind consciousness.  In the present, each of artist's doodle artwork is created based on her own subjectivity and is grounded in the ever-evolving collective stream of conciousness.

"By transcending the discriminating mind’s reality, we can exist in the uncorrupt, non-dualistic actuality."

Our memories are stored in the Alaya-Vijnana, the collective conscious storehouse. Subjective inspirations and discriminating thoughts are brought to the surface, as we interact with the present outer world. The subjective mind serves as the bias compass along the life path. When we view the world through our clouded mind's eye, we never truly sees reality as it truly is. It is only by transcending the discriminating mind’s reality that we can exist in the uncorrupt, non-dualistic actuality.

Zen Moon. Copyright and Trademark Diana Zen
 Zen Moon
 August 22, 1015

This video story tells concept behind @DailyDoodleGram on Instagram. Elements from the different pictures appearing in artist's Instagram photo stream are selected and combined into a doodle intepretation.

Geffen Refaeli from Like Knows Like on Vimeo.

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