Founded by Master Cheng Yen Based on the spirit of Mahayana Buddhism. Charity work in Nepal, Mongolia, Northern Thailand, North Korea and many other third-world countries.
Buddhist Peace Fellowship cultivates the conditions for peace, social justice, and environmental sustainability within our selves, our communities, and the world.
Started in 1983 as Singapore’a first public Buddhist book service, the Buddhist Library aims to promote a holistic understanding and appreciation of Buddhism through study and practice.
Vision: One person in every family! One person trained in the Clear Light Practices for the Dyiing. The Clear Light Meditation for the Dying is that process. A nonsectarian practice, it prepares the mind of a dying person for moving into an open dimension of radiant clarity
Library of Buddhist texts and referrences. This site covers a variety of topics related to Buddhism: Dharma talks, Sutras, Buddhist News and Information for Buddhist students of all experiences. Both written in English and Vietnamese. No special Vietnamese Font required.
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