Karma: Life's Non-Random Randomness--Diana Zen

Thursday, October 3, 201912:01 AM(View: 13621)
Karma: Life's Non-Random Randomness--Diana Zen

Karma: Life's Non-Random Randomness

I believe in Karma. I believe in Reincarnation. The concepts of Karma and Reincarnation are fundamentals to the Buddhist belief system. I feel that there are some things in life that require pure faith and defy absolute scientific proof. It is my belief that everything happens for a reason and because of a previous reason. Karma for better or worse is inescapable.

Karma: Life's non-random Randomness-zenmoon.org
"Whether the original deed was intentional or unintentional,
its consequence nevertheless comes back
unavoidably and continuously
until the debt is settled-in-full."

I sometimes wonder what I was like in my previous lives. What deeds had I done in my past to plant such seeds that I continue to harvest both the sweet and the bitter fruits in my present? My life has been a roller coaster ride of joyful highs and abysmal lows. I have encountered life events and interactions that reinforced my belief that no one can cheat fate. Karma has a sense of humour and she knows how to twist the knife for maximum impact and damage. Yet, I have also experienced Karma as the benevolent saviour during my time of darkness and despair. It is impossible to pinpoint the exact action and time period that generated the Karmic consequences. In the present, I feel the full gravity of Karmic consequences and have the full appreciation of my past deeds. Whether the original deed was intentional or unintentional, its consequence nevertheless comes back unavoidably and continuously until the debt is settled-in-full and sometimes even paid off with some additional interests.

Karma: Life's non-random Randomness-zenmoon.org
"Both our so-called luck and misfortune
are the result of our Karmic doings."

Karma steers us in a defined direction, so that we would ultimately reap the full harvest of our past deeds. I am always amazed about how people meet due to Karmic circumstances. My Karma has facilitated the arrival of certain people and happenstance into my life. I believe that we may not always meet the exact and original person with whom we had the original Karmic entanglement. However, Karmic fate shall inescapably lead us to whom and what is necessary, at each junction of our lives, so that we may settle our Karmic credit and debit. Both our so-called luck and misfortune are the results of our Karmic doings. We will encounter whoever we must meet, until our Karmic entanglements are fully resolved. The Karmic world is a closed system and while inside it we shall not escape our own doings.

Karma: Life's non-random Randomness-zenmoon.org
"I now see clearly that my present
is both the product of my past
and what shall determine my future."

There are so many things in life that just seemingly happen with no rhymes or reasons. However, my belief is that there is nothing random in life. Events only appears random or accidental because our finite physical life span. Whether intentional or unintentional, it is impossible to not affect others positively or negatively during our daily interactions. We are unenlightened beings who exist in the Karmic world after all. We continue to perpetuate the Karmic cycle with the daily conscious and inadvertent choices we make. It is the Karmic consequences from our choices that pull us back into the Karmic life cycle trapping us within. For better or for worse, we shall either pay our Karmic debt or shall reap our Karmic rewards in full.

I believe that fate cannot be cheated and it shall come. Control is but an illusion. Life is rarely at ideal. My life lesson is to maintain my Inner Peace when encountering the outer circumstances. For me, it is a challenge to let go of my illusion of being in control of the outer world. Everything in life is temporary and transitory. I can only do my best and then let it go in my heart, so that my efforts can progress to their destined fruition whatever they may be. I now see clearly that my present is both the product of my past and what shall determine my future. I utilize my Inner Light to shine on my life challenges and
fortunes, so that I see the Karmic fruits as they truly are and that everything is only transitory. Compassion, altruism and kindness have helped me greatly to face life challenges with inner peace and benevolence. I may not have full control of the outer world, but I always have full control of my own response to the outer life circumstances.

Karma: Life's non-random Randomness-zenmoon.org
"I strive to live life
with compassion and use my Inner Light
to face all my challenges
with neutrality and inner peace."

I have been fortunate in this life to have the opportunity to be raised in a spiritually nourishing environment that facilitated my continual journey in search of Nirvana. I am the product of my previous deeds and I will continue to create my own future. I have faith that living my life with compassion and an universal altruism shall negate the present Karmic consequences and not further perpetuate the Karmic cycle. Going forward, I strive to live life with compassion and use my Inner Light to face all my challenges with neutrality and inner peace. We all have the choice to face our Karmic consequences as either a facilitator or as a hindrance along our life path. There are no failure nor success in life. Both are lessons in Karmic credit and debit of our own doings. I choose to transform both my positive and the negative Karmic consequences into opportunities. They shall become hands-on practice for me to apply the Teaching, so that I may obtain my inner peace. I am determined to not let any life circumstances hinder my resolve to reach my spiritual destination: Nirvana.

Diana Zen
Zen Moon
April 6, 2014

Zen Moon. ZenMoon.org.  Copyright and Trademark

Reader's Comment
Saturday, May 2, 202010:18 AM
Thank you Diana. Found your article really helpful. 🙏
Friday, April 11, 20149:24 PM
Super Administrator
Thank you for your attention to help me understanding about Karma which I kept for so long without answering the questions.... Wishing you always get anything which you want..."I am determined to not let any life circumstances hinder my resolve to reach my spiritual destination: Nirvana."

Warm Regards,
Diella Nguyen

Dear Diella,
It was my pleasure. I wish you all the best in your own quest for Nirvana.

Friday, April 11, 20147:44 PM
Thank you for your attention to help me understanding about Karma which I kept for so long without answering the questions.... Wishing you always get anything which you want..."I am determined to not let any life circumstances hinder my resolve to reach my spiritual destination: Nirvana."

Warm Regards,
Diella Nguyen
Friday, April 11, 20142:19 AM
Super Administrator
Thanks for your explanation but how do we know that when we plant and when we pay the Karma . If I have to pay the bad karmic, there must be someone to help me solve this bad Karmic, that person is called: planting or paying now ? ? ? ? For example, I have to pay a murder in my previous lifetimes , this life the ones who have to kill me to help me done that bad debt, That ones are paying or planning???

Dear Diella,
Life is a sequence of Karmic events brought upon by previous Karmic deeds. The Karmic cycle is an infininte circle with no beginning nor ending. The Karmic life circle is continuously perpetuated by one's unenlightened reactions to the Karmic consequences. Ultimately, there is no absolute ending nor beginning within the Karmic circle. Thus, one must use the Inner Light along with Compassion to negate and stop the Karmic perpetuation and ultimately transcend the infinite cycle of debt and credit. One's Inner Light is ultilize to illuminate a Karmic event as it truly is: an event that shall be further perpetuated by one's reaction to it. Facing a Karmic event with a compassionate attitude and inner peace shall allow Karma come yet not come, since it no longer affects one internally. The final result is that the Karmic event passes by and leaves one behind with peace within and benevolent without. The Karmic event is then negated and neutralized. Whatever shall come or leave shall do so, but one shall remain at stillness and inner peace.

Thursday, April 10, 201410:06 PM
Thanks for your explanation but how do we know that when we plant and when we pay the Karma . If I have to pay the bad karmic, there must be someone to help me solve this bad Karmic, that person is called: planting or paying now ? ? ? ? For example, I have to pay a murder in my previous lifetimes , this life the ones who have to kill me to help me done that bad debt, That ones are paying or planning???
Thursday, April 10, 20145:47 AM
Super Administrator
I am so interested in this but still can't understand how we know we earn credit or get debt in our life???

Dear Diella,
Thank you for your question. When we positively & benevolently affect another life, we plant the Karmic seed which shall fruition into the sweet Karmic fruits or "credit" which will more positively affect our own life path. Conversely, should we affect another life for the worse, we plant the Karmic seeds that would later fruition into the bitter Karmic fruits or "debit" which would ultimately and adversely affect our own life path.

Wednesday, April 9, 20141:39 AM
I am so interested in this but still can't understand how we know we earn credit or get debt in our life???
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