Lotus: The Transcendental Bloom

yet so innately different compared to the lotus plant."
My favorite flower is the lotus. I love everything about the lotus bloom, from its beauty to its symbolic representations. It is always blissfully peaceful to sit in my backyard during the summertime and admire my blooming lotus pond. I contemplate how we are symbolically similar to the lotus blossom, yet so innately different compared to the lotus plant.

Similar to the lotus bloom's potential to rise from the muddy pond medium to its destined pristine place above the water surface, we possess the seed within, and the innate ability to transcend the murky water of Karmic existence. We each possess the Inner Light that can be harnessed back from dormancy to its original nature of full illumination. The brightness of the Inner Light is darkened and hidden by the life clouds. The steadiness of the glowing flame wavers in the life winds.
The Instrumental Virtues (Wisdom, Compassion, and Dzung) are indispensable tools to cut through the murkiness and help steady the inner peace along the life journey. Like the lotus bloom rising above the water surface into the light, we too can rise above the mundane existence into Enlightenment, and exist in Nirvana.
The lotus seed inherently carries the transcendental potential within. Under the right conditions, in the mud-clay medium, the seed shall germinate into the lotus plant. The lotus flower shall rise up from the muddy medium to bloom above the water surface. For me utilizing the Instrumental Virtues ensure optimum opportunities for my spiritual growth.

However, the lotus flower above is pristine
and no longer of the mud-clay medium world below."
The lotus originates from underneath the pond's water surface. Once a bloom penetrates upward, it alters the landscape of the entire pond. The bloom's life cycle continues contributing to the additional lotus blooms, ultimately altering the waterscape completely. The physical lotus plant is connected to the growth medium. However, the lotus flower above is pristine, and no longer of the mud-clay medium world below.

the murky water of Karmic existence,
then existing thereafter in the mud-clay medium
yet not be sullied by its slime and grime."
Within each of us is the timeless seed of purity and virtue. Our Inner Light is similar to the transcendental potential of the lotus seed. We each have the ability to harness our Inner Light , so that we can differentiate between the light of veracity and truth, from the darkness of distortion and fiction. We innately possess the ability to self-differentiate ourselves from the clay-mud medium of the Karmic existence. It is too easy to become muddled by the mud-clay pond of the Karmic existence, that we falsely believe we are one-and-the-same with the impurities. We erroneously assume that we too are dependent on the muddiness to bloom, just like the lotus plant is dependent on the clay-mud growth medium for its ongoing survival, and for sustaining its beauty.

just like the lotus plant is dependent on the clay-mud growth medium
for its ongoing survival, and for sustaining its beauty."
We are similar yet different from the physical lotus plant. We possess the seed within, and the ability to transcend the murky water of Karmic existence, then existing thereafter, in the mud-clay medium, yet not be sullied by its slime and grime. Once we obtain Enlightenment and exist in Nirvana, we may integrate in the Karmic world with Bi, the compassion and altruism, to help others realize their own potential. However, we shall not be entangled in the Karmic existence, nor will we be sullied by the Karmic debris. We may exist in the mud-clay medium of the Karmic world to contribute to the development of other lotus bloom, and ultimately benevolently affect the Karmic world. However, at our own full-bloom of Enlightenment, we are no longer a "Karmic citizen" of the dualistic world.
We must use our own Wisdom, Tri, to guide us away from our own muddled Karmic existence, utilize the steady willful determination, Dzung, to continuously make progress. Utilizing Dzung, the willful determination and fearlessness, we can overcome any difficulty and barrier to vertically ascend and arise from the Karmic world. Living with compassion and altruism, Bi, we negate the challenges within Karmic consequences and no longer perpetuate and propagate the cycle of seed and fruit, so that the ascent is a smooth and benevolent journey.

like the blooming lotus transforms an ordinary pond
into a vibrant lotus landscape."
We all have the potential to obtain Enlightenment and arrive at the spiritual destination of Nirvana. Once we transcend the murky water below, our light and beauty, like the blooming lotus, positively affect the aesthetic and integrity of the pond. At full illumination, we are like the blooming lotus. Our Enlightenment transform the landscape of Karmic world, similar to the blooming lotus transforming an ordinary pond into a vibrant lotus landscape.
Enlightenment, like the symbolic blooming lotus, is a enduring state, unlike the mortal fate of the karmic world's physical lotus bloom. Nirvana is timeless and transcends the Karmic existence. For me, my life path is similar to the lotus flower's ascent toward the light above the water surface.

unlike the mortal fate of the karmic world's physical lotus bloom."
The vertical ascent is not always easy, and cloudy mud-clay medium is difficult to navigate. I live with the Instrumental Virtues (Wisdom, Compassion, and Dzung) as my spiritual compass to guide and keep me on path along my life journey.

but without any entanglement nor dependence on the muddied Karmic life medium,
to exist in the timeless Nirvana of the here and now."
Once the duality of the Karmic world is transcended, I may integrate in the normalcy of life with absolute Enlightenment, but without any entanglement nor dependence on the muddied Karmic life medium, to exist in the timeless Nirvana of the here and now. I am like the lotus with my inner drive to push upward, to transcend the Karmic existence. I continue to move forward and onward along my life path, like a blooming lotus flower growing toward the light above, to reach my own full-bloomed state of Enlightenment, and arrive at my spiritual destination: Nirvana.
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- transcendence
Dear Amanda,
Thank you for your insightful comment. This Karmic life is only temporary and fleeting...everything is yet actually nothing. Once we transcend into the spiritual destination of Nirvana, we shall exist in the here and now where everything is absolute. We shall then exist in the Nothingness that is timelessly everything.