The Fleeting Bloom
The Great Master, Hung-Jen, the Fifth Grand Master of Ch’an Buddhism once said “For people in this world birth and death are vital matters.” I have always kept these truthful words in my heart.
Watching the life cycle of the cactus bloom helps me further appreciate my luxury of time and health. The cactus flower is at its most lovely very momentary in its lifespan. Our lifetime is similarly brief and the time of optimum health and mental acuity is of limited duration. Watching the Echinopsis cacti in bloom reminds me to be judicious and discerning with my time and energy. I shall wisely use the favourable time in left my lifespan for my spiritual path.

our lifetime is similarly brief and the time of optimum health and mental acuity is of limited duration"
Life, no matter how perfect or imperfect, is fleeting and transitory. Transcending Samara requires one to see the essential nature of the self: the Non-Self unclouded by the barriers of false views. The ultimate freedom is existing as the Original Nature and living at the Timeless Inner Peace: Nirvana.

September 5, 2015
"Life, no matter how perfect or imperfect, is fleeting and transitory."--Diana Zen, ZenMoon
Freaky Flowers: Echinopsis Cacti in Bloom from EchinopsisFreak on Vimeo.
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